Friday, January 13, 2012

Sharing Web Resources: Early Childhood Australia

Early Childhood Australia is the pioneer organization in Australia that advocates for the welfare of of young children, their families and individuals in the early childhood field.  The organization has "ensuring quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to education and care of children from birth to eight years" as their focus.  It is also the lead publisher for early childhood and also acts as a a resource for all early childhood professionals in their country.  Social justice and equity are the main focus of the organization and acts as the umbrella organization for children's services.

Among the numerous resources on their website, I was drawn to their position statement entitled, "A Statement of Regret and Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families".  I decided to focus on this issue for it is very much related to the issue of changing demographics and diversity that is being discussed in class.  Their position statement, though discussing the same issue, is tackling the issue from a different perspective.  

In the position statement, the organization states that they acknowledge that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the original people of Australia and values their cultural heritage as a huge part of the Australian culture.  They also used the position statement to express their sadness and regret over the apparent "loss of family,cultural identity, lands and waters, languages and communities by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that resulted from the invasion of Australia by peoples from other places" (Early Childhood Australia, 2008, para 2).  It is then stated in this position paper that the organization is committed to help promote the significance of home culture, support the growth of new generations and make Australians know about the histories and current plights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.  They also aim to create and maintain linkages with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and challenge biases and discrimination against them.

It was truly nice to hear a different side on changing demographics and diversity.  I am glad that they are trying to preserve their cultural heritage and I can truly relate to their commitment.  This is because this is also what is happening to our nation.  Most Filipinos now are seen to be becoming more and more "westernized" that we are now losing our language, identity and culture.  I have nothing against embracing the cultures of others, in fact, I advocate for respecting and valuing different cultures; however, we also have to keep in mind that we need to value and preserve our culture as well as this is part of who we are.

If you wish to read and learn more about ECA, you may use this link

Early Childhood Australia. (2008). A statement of regret and commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families: A position statement. Retrieved January 13, 2012 from        


At January 13, 2012 at 8:20 PM , Blogger Christina said...

Elizabeth: Thank you for sharing your post. It seems like you are chosen a wonderful organization. I especially liked how the organization recognized the Torres Strait Islander people as the original people of Australia. In your post, you mentioned that the Filipino culture is becoming more westernized. In what ways do you believe your culture is changing, and what precautions are necessary to help alleviate this problem?

At January 14, 2012 at 4:46 AM , Blogger DeWana said...

It is amazing how every culture that we discuss has their own issue of maintaining their culture. It is aweful that as a society we don't feel comfortable unless everybody is the same. We have to learn to recognize and respect the differences that we all have and embrace them so that we can learn about others.

At January 14, 2012 at 4:22 PM , Blogger Julia said...

Hello Elizabeth,
I am curious about what might be causing the "westernization" of the Filipino people? Is it media influence? I think it must be heartbreaking to witness this happening. I hope the trend does not continue and that the people realize the significance and value of their own culture and heritage. Is the government and/or school systems speaking to the issue at all?

At January 15, 2012 at 8:54 PM , Anonymous keishapittman said...

It is great that you posted about Australia it's their culture. Sometimes as a strong black woman I feel it is important to keep ties to your culture. Great post, I will definately have to check out the website myself.


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