Saturday, March 17, 2012

Research that Benefits Children and Families

Option 2 - Imagine that you possess the means and the knowledge to conduct research studies about any topic in the early childhood field. Imagine further that you are not restricted by the reality of the present. Imagine that your study will make a major positive contribution to the well-being of children and/or their families. What topic would you choose? What can you imagine the positive contribution(s) would be?

If had all the means, knowledge and time to finish a grand research, I would truly love to do a longitudinal study of children enrolled in the three different educational philosophies during their early childhood years.  I would really love to see what differences will occur in the development of children (across the domains) who went to a progressive school, a maturationist school and a traditional/behaviorist program throughout their lives.   I would like to see the difference until the children reach adulthood and old age.  

I chose this topic because I know that if we really get to see how each of the philosophies affect children's development throughout the life cycle parents will be able to realize which philosophy will be best for their children.  All programs will then choose to espouse the philosophy that was able to bring about the most positive developmental changes in the children.  

This topic is truly unrealistic because of its complexity and of course time constraints as I would be dead by the time the children included in the study entered adulthood.  By still imagine how much information we will gather if we were indeed able to do this...   


At March 17, 2012 at 1:52 PM , Blogger StacieSmith said...

Elizabeth, that would be an interesting topic for long term research. You would have to take into account so many outside factors though, the child's experiences outside the school setting would also influence how they develop through their childhood and adolescence.

At March 17, 2012 at 6:51 PM , Blogger ST said...

Elizabeth, I find this research topic intriguing. However, as you stated this would be a very long term continuing project and there would be so many variables that would have to be taken into account that could affect the results. Interesting idea though.

At March 18, 2012 at 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was similar to my topic. I would want conduct a study to see the outcomes of a teacher directed program and a child centered program. I would track the children through their first few years of elementary school to see if there was a benefit for the children in the child centered program. I agree that this would be a difficult study to conduct but I do think it is possible.


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