Research Around The World
In my last course at Walden, I spent a great deal of time navigating through the website of the Early Childhood Australia. So, for this course, I decided to browse through a different organization's website.This week, I browsed through the website of European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) -
I was able to see that in their journal (EECERJ), they get to publish researches of a wide variety like: birth to age three, children's and parents' perspectives on diversity in education, outdoor play and learning, professionalism, and leadership and management. I was drawn to one whole issue dedicated to children's perspectives and participation in research. This issue interested me mainly because this is a topic being discussed in my current course.
It seems like all over the world, researchers are seeing children and their participation in research in a new light. Children are now given more value and respect.
It is nice to see that this organization provides some articles and issues for free for the public. By doing this, people who might not have enough finances to purchase journal articles will get the opportunity to learn through the resources available. To think that their journal is even indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information.
It is great to see that everyone is trying to make children a priority. I think that this is what we need to make sure that children are given the respect that they deserve.
Elizabeth, I looked at this website too. Like you I also saw the special issue on children's participation in research which will definitely help us in our course. A lot of information is at our fingertips and it is just for us to look it up.
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